Thursday, July 23, 2015

Immigration - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

There are similarities and differences between Arturo Hernandez Garcia in the linked article CLICK HERE and Francisco Sanchez who is charged with killing Kate Steinle in San Francisco. Similarities -- both came to the US illegally. Differences -- Garcia, for all intents and purposes, is a hard-working family man who loves America and just wants to assimilate while Sanchez is a criminal and a parasite deported multiple times -- a difference as stark as Good versus Bad.

The immigration situation -- the Ugly -- in America is a complex issue. But calls for comprehensive immigration reform are naive. Big issues are not solved comprehensively (look at the Obamacare debacle). Big issues are projects to be approached in steps. The only comprehensive part of complex reform is the goal. The first step in the immigration project is setting the goal. That, too, is complex because people differ in what they want for, primarily, Hispanics who have and will cross the borders into the US.

Did you know that Sanchez told a reporter he was shooting sea lions and didn't even know a woman was killed until he was arrested, a crime more egregious to some than the death of Kate. I'm speculating, but given the Liberal drivel I read I don't doubt it.

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