Friday, December 18, 2015

REPEAL THE FIRST AMENDMENT... Yale for one semester.

The viral video of Yale students signing a petition to repeal the First Amendment obviously doesn't express the views of all students and faculty.

But it gives one pause. What would it be like to live a semester on the campus of Yale University with no First Amendment rights? How would that look? The First Amendment acknowledges that citizens are free to 1) have their own establishments of religion, 2) speak freely and openly, 3) publish what they will, 4) gather together peaceably, and 5) petition for redress of grievances. The Yale Experiment would end all that.  For one semester.

Yale would decide if there would be an official religion...or no religion at all. There would be no "right" to speak openly and freely, no "right" to publish and circulate writings on campus, no "right" to gather in groups, peaceably or otherwise, and no "right" to petition for anything. In fact, doing these things without express 'official' permission would incur penalties.

One semester. The entire campus. At the end of the experiment, students could once again exercise their Constitutional First Amendment rights and write, publish, and discuss their experience. The press should eat it up.

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